Free Flow Fest
International experimental sound and free improvisation Festival Gravina di Puglia-Italy. This edition of the Free Flow Festival – in collaboration with the SHARE project co-financed by the European Community – reflects and enhances the characteristics of the the new international creative music, in which sounds, structures and pathos define in real time the essence of what is being created.
In this edition we will experience the combination of dance and improvisation, we will talk about production and distribution of creative and no commercial music, we will build a Southern Italy’s ephemeral musical instrument and will involve autistic children and yoga practitioners in musical improvisations.
Where there is sound, there is music.
Where there is creativity, there is evolution.
Il FFF, che prevede concerti, conferenze e laboratori, prende vita nel centro storico di Gravina di Puglia, alle Officine Culturali Hortus, in Via S. Vito Vecchio 8 (a parte un concerto per cui sarà necessario spostarsi per 300 m da Coolto, in Via Guglielmo Marconi 1), e sarà svolto il 29, 30 e 31 di questo Luglio 2022.
Jul 29, 2022